
Xion's binge of existence

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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: Xion's belly binge of existence.

Having digested Saix, Xion was in her room with Roxas plotting the take over of the
Organization. "Good thing Axel's away on a mission right now." Roxas said. "Sure...but
there's still a lot of yummy Organization members to eat. Other then Axel I think the
whole gang's here...well except for Saix of course." Xion said looking at her currently
small and thin empty stomach. "How are you going to start?" Roxas asked. "I think I'll
start small." Xion said. "But Xion, you and I are the smallest Organization members."
Roxas said. "Besides us. It would be either Zexion or Demyx. Let's start with Demyx."
Xion said getting up. "Um, okay." Roxas said. Leaving Xion's room they found Demyx in the
hall with Larxene. "Your so lazy! This is the 5th time I've had to do your mission's for
you, you lazy good for nothing." Larxene said. "I told you I wasn't feeling well. It's not
my fault if Saix dumps all the work on you. Speaking of which where is the gloomy x face?"
Demyx asked. "I don't know and I want to keep it that way. He's as boring as the rest of
you." Larxene said. "Boring? Now that was just plain rude! How can you find my sitar
boring?" Demyx said as he saw Roxas and Xion approach. "Oh great. The babies of the bunch.
Have either of you see Saix? I want to know if I have a mission today or not. If I do then
someone's going to get stabbed." Larxene said pulling out her knives. "Hope it's not me."
Demyx said shivering.

"Umm..." Roxas didn't know how to respond. "I have seen Saix!" Xion said. "Figures. Out
with it, where is he?" Larxene said. Xion turned her back on Larxene and Demyx and pulled
out her jar of Marbles Nobodies. "Recently Saix gave me my own Nobody underlings." Xion
said. "Really? That's awesome. Even Larxene doesn't have her own Nobodies to command."
Demyx said. "That's a lie! I have my own Nobodies. I just don't show them off like the
rest of you do." Larxene said looking annoyed. "Well you can meet mine! The Marbles."
Xion opened the jar and the Marbles surrounded Larxene and Demyx and tied them up together
in a sticky bind. "What the? Marbles? B..but Xemnas said they were useless." Larxene said.
"H..hey Xion, wanna switch Nobody underlings? I kind of dislike the Dancers." Demyx said.
Somewhere in the Castle the Dancer Nobodies all felt like someone had slapped them in the
face. "Sorry Demyx. Don't take this personally." Xion said as she opened her mouth wide
enough to engulf both Larxene and Demyx. Before either could speak Xion swallowed them
both with her massive mouth. *GUUULP* Two adult sized bulges bloated out Xion's throat as
she swallowed them whole and they landed in her belly which expanded with perfect timing.

Now with a swollen bloated round belly Xion's lost her balance for a second and had to
adjust to the weight of her new belly's massive size. *BLOORP* *GROAN* Her belly made her
jacket zipper ride down to expose the bloated orb to the public. Roxas already fell into
his daze of Xion's bloated belly. "That was yummy. Two down." Xion said rubbing her big
stomach. "Arrrrgh!" Larxene yelled from inside Xion's big belly. "I did not need this."
Larxene yelled. "Oh man. I got eaten....hey that mean's I don't have to do any missions.
I can be as lazy as I want to in here." Demyx said. "Your not serious are you?" Larxene
shouted. "I got my sitar and with the exception of you being in here it's pretty nice in
here. No work, no stressful missions, no Saix or Xemnas. I like it in here already."
Demyx said. Larxene threw a fit and Xion's giant belly wobbled with her struggling inside.
*BLOORSH* *GLOOP* *BLOP* Xion put her hands on her belly to settle it. "Now let's go find
the other's. Shouldn't be to hard." Xion said. "Right." Roxas said not breaking his gaze
from Xion's shiny round belly. Xion had no problem with this and used it for Roxas to
follow her down the hall.

The Marbles Nobodies hid themselves in Xion's sleeves as they came across Lexaeus and
Xaldin. "Hmph. The missions are getting far to easy these days. Sometimes I think Saix
just sends us out of the castle to get some peace and quiet." Xaldin said. Lexaeus did
not answer. "Of course with you it makes no difference. You hardly say anything these
days." Xaldin said. Lexaeus still did not speak. Xion and Roxas had not been spotted by
them yet. "Roxas, go create a diversion for me." Xion whispered and she used her big belly
to bump Roxas into Lexaeus. "Roxas? Where did you come from? What are you doing down here?
Shoudln't you be on heart collection duty?" Xaldin asked. "W...well I came to tell you..."
Roxas couldn't think properly, the only thing on his mind was Xion's beautiful bloated
belly. He hated not being by Xion's side and most importantly her belly. "What is it Roxas?
You look like you've been hit with that love emotion, which is not possible. Nobodies like
us cannot feel love." Xaldin said. Xion was slowly creeping up to them but to her dismay
her giant sized belly sloshed with every step, and loudly too. *SPLOOSH* *GALLLOOSH*
*BLOOSH* Xaldin and Lexaeus turned around and saw the bloated Xion a few steps away from
them. "What is going on here? What are you two up too?" Xaldin demanded.

"Oh forget being stealth like!" Xion muttered and rose her arm's up to let the Marbles
fly out and capture Xaldin. "What?" Xaldin yelled as the Marbles joined together to
create a cage around him. Lexaeus moved back and watched in amazement as Xion's mouth
expanded wide and swallowed the cage with Xaldin in it. *GUUULP* A Xaldin bulge went down
Xion's throat and emptied in her belly making it rounder and wider. The Marbles flew out
of Xion's mouth after she ate Xaldin and hovered above her head as she enjoyed Xaldin's
taste. *BLOORP* *GURGLE* *BLUB* *SPLOORF* "Oh great more company! And your just as
useless as Demyx!" Larxene yelled from inside Xion's bloated belly. "How could this have
happened? I swallowed by the lowest member of our organization?!" Xaldion yelled. "Hey if
your going to be in here keep it down. Some of us our trying to relax." Demyx said very
casually. Xion and Lexaeus slowly turned to each other. "It appear's the two young rookies
of the organization want to move up and take over, is that your game?" Lexaeus said.
"Something like that." Xion said. *GUURGLE* Xion's belly added a gurgle. "I will not meet
the same fate." Lexaeus said pulling out his axe sword. The Marbles flew at Lexaeus and
he swiped and broke each one that got close. This made thing's worse as every Marble he
crushed to pieces would generate into even more Marbles and they kept growing back in
greater numbers. They got him by his legs and soon stuck to his arm and they dissolved
his axe sword. "No." Lexaeus gasped as the Marbles overpowered him. "Yes." Xion said as
she leaped at Lexaeus with her open mouth and swallowed the massive Nobody down. Lexaeus
bulged out Xion's cheeks like no other meal had done before, it was like eating 5 people
at once for her. *GUUUUULP* Lexaeus bulge got stuck in Xion's throat for a second but soon
went down and made a heavy impact in her belly.

Xion fell down as the weight of her belly was to great for her small body to handle.
Roxas went to Xion's side. "Need help getting up?" Roxas said before returning his gaze
to her shiny bulbous belly, seeing his reflection in it. Xion's belly let out a gaseous
grumble. *GRUUUUMBLE* *GUURRRRRRRRRRGLE* and as they happened Xion's cheeks swelled up
Xion burped directly in Roxas's face, just the way he likes it. She giggled at the
expression he made when the burp hit his face. "Your to much, Roxas." Xion said. "I demand
you release me at once Xion!" Xaldin yelled from inside her belly. "Yeah, let him out.
He's ruining the good vibes of your stomach." Demyx said. "You like it down here?"
Lexaeus asked. "Yeah. Just have to get rid of you guys and it's perfect." Demyx said.
"That does it! I'll force my way out." Xaldin created a wind storm in Xion's belly. "Hey
stop that!" Larxene yelled. "What's your problem?" Demyx yelled. The wind storm did
nothing but cause Xion more gas. With her cheeks ballooning up again she burped in Roxas's
With another deep gassy burp from Xion, Roxas enjoyed every bit of it. "Good. I think
those burps cleared enough gas out of me to get up." Xion said as she rose with her giant
belly bobbing up and down and sloshing. *SPLOOSH* *PLOORSH* *BLOOSH* *GLUNK* *WOBBLE*
"What is that noise?" A voice called down the hall. Roxas and Xion turned the corner as
Vexen appeared. "I though I herd some odd noises." He said to himself.

"Vexen is that you making all that noise?" Zexion and Marluxia appeared. "No it is not! I
just got here myself. I thought it might be one of you." Vexen said. "Hmph." Zexion left
them and headed in the direction where Roxas and Xion were hiding. As he turned the corner
Xion ate him almost silently but Vexen and Marulxia were to busy loathing each other to
notice. "Are you saying you think I was the one making a ruckus?" Marluxia said. "Yes.
Ruckus is what your best at!" Vexen said. "Watch yourself, Vexen. One day you'll cross me
at the wrong time and I won't be able to be held responsible for what might happen to you."
Marulxia said. "Is that a threat, pinky? I am the 4th member of this organization! You
will respect me." Vexen said. "I think I'd rather have my teeth pulled. But keep thinking
that rank mean's your better then me. Everyone has to hold on to something, even if it
isn't true." Marluxia smirked. "What did you say?!" Vexen roared. Marluxia now looked
burp erupted from the corner. "Zexion?" Marluxia called and was now turning the corner.
"Wait Marluxia don't go over there it could be..." Vexen started but Marluxia scoffed.
"I do not take orders from a lowly scien..aaaahhh!" Marluxia screamed as Xion devoured
him. *GULLP* *GULLLCH* Two big and greedy gulps and Marluxia joined Larxene, Demyx,
Xaldin, Lexaeus, and Zexion in Xion's shiny round belly which got rounder and more shiny.

*BEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCH* Xion belched out 4 rose petals after swallowing
Marluxia. Vexen laughed seeing this. "That peanut brain Marluxia had that coming! That
aside, what have we here? Number 14 Xion eating other Organization members? And judging
from the size of your stomach Marluxia and Zexion were not your first meals." Vexen said
eyeing Xion's round sphere of a belly. "Hey! Stop looking at her! Only one person can look
at her and it's me!" Roxas yelled getting out his keyblade. "Calm down Roxas." Xion patted
Roxas on the head. "Heheh, Roxas is that jealousy your expressing?" Vexen laughed. Roxas
realized how protective he was and calmed down. "S...sorry. It's just she is mine."
Roxas said putting his hand on Xion's swollen stomach. Xion giggled and burped out the
words *HOW SWEEEEEET OF YOU ROXXXXXXAAAAASSS* Xion's big burp sentence calmed him down
completely. "Interesting. Xion seem's to have gained full control over Roxas with her
gorged stomach and her disgusting burps. I would like to study such a relationship."
Vexen said. Xion turned to Vexen. "You can studying it from inside me!" Xion said as she
unleashed her Marbles Nobodies on him. "Haha! What can Marbles do to me? I am the 4th
member of the...." Vexen was cut off as the Marbles got on him. "What the? Impossible.
How can such weak beings as Marbles do something like this?" Vexen said as the Marbles
tied him down. "Roxas if you would." Xion asked. "Of course." Roxas lifted up Vexen and
pointed him towards Xion as she opened her mouth wide open. "If I wasn't about to be
eaten I would find this very interesting!" Vexen yelled as Roxas threw him into Xion's
open mouth and she ingested him. *GOOOOLLLP* Xion's throat swelled with Vexen then it
returned to normal as Vexen landed in her giant belly which swelled out even more.

Xion burped deep and gassy directly in Roxas's face. The more she did it the more Roxas
was seduced by her, and he loved every second of it. *I BEEEET YOU LOOOOOVVVVVEED
sentence in Roxas's face. "Yeah..." Roxas said dreamily. Xion's gas burps were like
sweet perfume to him now despite that was far from what they smelled like. "Even you got
munched, Marluxia?" Larxene said from inside Xion's belly prison. "It would appear so.
Vexen why didn't you warn me?" Marluxia yelled. "I seem to recall you not taking order's
from me." Vexen said. "It stinks in here." Zexion moaned. "You'll get use to the smell."
Lexaeus said. "Don't tell me your getting use to it in here to?" Xaldin asked. "Demyx has
a point, it's not as bad in here as you might think." Lexaeus said. "This is why you don't
speak to much." Zexion said. on the outside Roxas helped Xion rub her gargantuan stomach.
from Xion's round bulbous belly echoed in the castle. "Let's go get the rest of them."
Xion said. "I'm right beside you." Roxas said keeping one hand on Xion's belly as it was
warm and he found it difficult to let go of it's warm embrace.

They made it to the grey room of the castle where Xigbar and Luxord were. "It's quiet
around here. To quiet if you ask me." Luxord said sitting down and flipping through his
cards. "Haven't herd a sound from anyone. That's unsual." Xigbar said. Roxas and Xion
were hiding in the entrance trying to decide how to eat these two. Xion felt gas bubbling
up from her round belly and covered her mouth. Roxas covered her mouth as well as her
cheeks started swelling and ballooning up with gas. *SWELL* *BULGE* *BLOAT* *STRETCH*
The sound of her cheeks stretching was almost as loud as her belly. Now the gas in
Xion's round cheeks started hisssing and gurgling. "We can't give away our position yet."
Roxas said as Xion's bloated round cheeks went red and shiny unable to hold it in anymore.
With a deep closed mouth burp Xion's cheeks expanded even more. Xigbar and Luxord turned
to there direction. "Did some kind of Heartless monster brake into the castle?" Xigbar
said. "What is going on down here?" Xemnas appeared in the grey room looking curious.
They all spotted Roxas, Xion, and her bloated belly sticking out. Luxord looked surprised
but Xemnas and Xigbar did not. "Look's like little poppet got herself some snacks. Now
we know what happened to Saix." Xigbar said. "Indeed. I figured you would evantually turn
on me Xion, with those hunger pills I feed you awhile ago it was only a matter of time
before your hunger became unstable." Xemnas said. Xion was already drooling. Just looking
at Xemnas, Xigbar, and Lurxord made her want to swallow them.

"Xemnas, you made your puppet to strong." Xion said while glaring at him. "And now you can
spend a eternity in her stomach thinking about it. And by the way..." Xion said as the
Marbles returned from her sleeves and joined together to form a massive vacuum and
attatched itself to Xion's mouth. "...The Marbles aren't as useless as you thought. Think
about that too." Xion started up the vacuum. "As if!" Xigbar tried shooting Xion but the
bullets bounced off Xion's bloated belly. The Marbles vacuum started and Luxord and Xigbar
were helplessly sucked into it. *GUUUULP* *GULLLCH* Xigbar and Luxord were just added
weight on Xion's overbloated belly. Xemnas tried to resist but it was impossible and so
he was sucked into Xion's mouth and swallowed whole. "I promise you a eternity of gas and
indigestion!" Xemnas yelled as he joined the other's in Xion's now 70 foot belly. *POP*
Xion's belly button popped to a outie with Xemnas inside. The Marbles returned to there
jar with everyone now eaten. Xion happily rubbed her overbloated belly as it sloshed and
bounced with her touch. *GLUUUNK* *SPLOOSH* *SPLORF* *BURBLE* *CHURN* *GROAN* *BLUB*
ANNND INDIGGGGGGEEEESSSSSTIIOOOOON?* Xion burped in his face and it blew all over him.
"Yeah, I think I'm going to love a eternity." Roxas said helping Xion rub her giant belly.
A outline bulge appeared on the shiny surface of Xion's round belly. Roxas and Xion both
laughed as it was clearly Xemnas trying to escape. "Blast!" Xemnas yelled. "Calm down. It's
actually not bad in here." Xaldin said. "What's you get use to it, it's quite nice even."
Vexen said relaxing.

"Your all mad!" Xemnas said. "Well we're not going to try to escape a unescapable prison
for the rest of our existence." Marluxia said. "Yeah so pipe down, while I play everyone
a tune on my Sitar." Demyx said. "Party in Xion's belly! To bad Saix had to miss this."
Xaldin said. "Who need's him?" Larxene said. "You've all lost your minds!" Xemnas said.
Xigbar and Luxord were already joining in the belly party while Xemnas tried and tried
again to escape. Later Roxas and Xion found a nice quiet area in Agrabah for them to relax
alone and to let Xion's bloated belly settle with all it's gas and indigestion. *BLUB*
his head against Xion's round water balloon like warm belly as it rose and fell from her
inhaling and exhaling and sloshed the whole time. Roxas felt gas bubbling in Xion's belly
despite how round, bulbous, and gargantuan it was he felt it perfectly when she had to
Xion's big gassy burps now smelled even more with all her big meals gassing up her belly.
Some times she burped with her mouth closed just to taste it in her mouth. When that
happened, Roxas would playfully poke and rub her gas swollen round cheeks. He also loved
Xion burped another green stink cloud of gas out. "Nice one." Roxas said patting her
bulbous belly. The air was thick with her stink gas, just the way Roxas loved it. Then
xion's belly rose as she inhaled but did not fall as she exhaled. *GUUUUUURRRRRRGLE*

A large gas bubble was in Xion's belly, inadvertently caused from the Organization's
belly party in her. "Wow." Roxas said feeling how bloated Xion's belly was. "I can burp
this out." Xion said as she played her big belly like a drum. Soon the sound of gas was
herd going up Xion's throat and her cheeks swelled up round and shiny until they got as
Xion burped three loud, deep and bassy burps. "That always feels great." Xion said.
"I'll say." Roxas said putting his head back on Xion's shiny round and bulbous belly. He
didn't know why he or other Nobodies existed but this was good enough for his entire
existence. "Hey aren't we forgetting something?" Roxas asked. Back at the Castle that never
was, Axel returned from his mission to find a empty castle. "Hello? Where is everyone?"
Meanwhile in Xion's belly the Organization was using there existance inside her the best
they could. "I spy with my little eye something pink." Vexen said. "Is it the stomach
walls?" Demyx asked. "Yes." "You clown! The whole area is pink!" Larxene said. "As if.
The gastric juices are green." Xigbar said. "I've got a better idea. I'm thinking of a
number between 1 an 68, what is it?" Marluxia said. "5?" Zexion asked. "No." "How about
34?" Lexaeus said. "Not even close." Marluxia said. "19." Luxord said. "Good guess."
Marluxia said. "Lady luck shines on me today." Luxord said. Xemnas watched the other's
and groaned. "Please Xion...please digest me already." He begged.

The End.
The sequel to Xion's very gassy Saix snack, where she goes and devours the remaining members of the Organization minus Roxas and Axel. The Organization members who were dead at this point are even in this one, (Vexen, Marluxia, Larxene, Lexaeus, and Zexion) of course Xion just eats them as well but they do make a appearance. And Roxas continues to love being around Xion until it's all he want's to do. Enjoy everyone.

I do not own these characters. Kingdom Hearts is owned by Disney and Square Enix
© 2011 - 2024 Mangavore
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akizarulez's avatar
*practically dies from a nose bleed* THAT WAS AWESOME!